Style Guide 2.4

Updated: September 4, 2022

1. Name and Taglines

Official Name is our official name and the website address.

When referencing the project please use the official name as one word with the “.org”. There are two reasons for this. First, the phrase, “religion and public life” generally refers to a subfield of study in religious studies. Second, it’s also a term used to name other research centers, resulting in many different listings in online searches.

Therefore, please always use the “.org” to help others find us online and communicate that we are an online community.


Do not use acronyms; RPL has other meanings. There are no other abbreviations or nicknames.


Please capitalize the first letter of each of the first four words but not the “o” in .org, so that it reads as follows: It’s founder, Nate Walker, has three learning disabilities and URLs that are styled in this way are easier for him, and others like him, to read than strings of letters.


The official logo replaces the A in “And” with an upside-down V, as replicated in the 1791 Delegates logo and other products of 1791 Delegates. This style originated from Nate’s handwriting.


For content partners who received onboarding support, please use the following attributions: [Insert course title] “is made possible by support from, a project of 1791 Delegates and The Foundation for Religious Literacy.”


Please also capitalize the first letters in the primary tagline, as follows: “Come for the Classes. Stay for the Community.”

Please do the same for the secondary tagline, “Civic Education for the Common Good.”

Come for the Classes. Stay for the Community.

Civic Education for the Common Good.

2. Logos

The logo should maintain a good margin allowing it to breath around other objects. Using the height of the R or P in the logo as an increment of X space around the logo. To achieve this using Elementor, add 30px padding around the image.

  • Religion = Dark Magenta (#8C0087).
  • Feather, stroke and PublicLife = Resolution Blue (#001C7D).
  • And and .org = Resolution Blue (#001C7D) at 40% opacity.
  • This will allow the logo to only use 2 colors for simplicity. 

3. Icon

Icon 1. White Quill, blue-purple fade background

4. Colors

Resolution Blue (H1)
RGB 0,28,125
HEX #001C7D (100%)
HEX #001C7DCC (80%)
HEX #001C7D99 (60%)
HEX #001C7D66 (40%)
HEX #001C7D33 (20%)

Lapis Lazuli (H2)
RGB 4,94,167
HEX #045EA7 (100%)
HEX #045EA7CC (80%)
HEX #045EA799 (60%)
HEX #045EA766 (40%)
HEX #045EA733 (20%)


Dark Magenta (H3)
RGB 140,0,135
HEX #8C0087 (100%)
HEX #8C0087CC (80%)
HEX #8C008799 (60%)
HEX #8C008766 (40%)
HEX #8C008733 (20%)

Lapis Lazuli
(Block Background)
RGB 4,94,167
HEX #045EA733 (20%)
Black Pearl
(Body Text)
RGB 68,68,68
HEX ##1C1D1E (100%)

Silver Metallic
RGB 169,172,178
HEX #A9ACB2 (100%)

(Button Background)
RGB 238,240,243
HEX #EEF0F3 (100%)
White-Light Blue
(Page Background)
RGB 250, 251,253
HEX #FAFBFD (100%)
(Text Box Background)
RGB 169,172,178
HEX #FFFFFF (100%)

5. Fonts

Headline 1

H1. Cardo Regular 28px 400 weight #001C72

Centered Page Titles (Resolution Blue)

Headline 2

H2. Cardo Regular 24px 400 weight #001C7D 

Primary Section Header (Resolution Blue) followed by Page Separator (Resolution Blue)

Headline 3

H3. Cardo Regular 24px 400 weight#045EA7

Sub-Section Heading (Lapis Lazuli )

Headline 4

H4. Cardo Regular 24px 400 weight #8C0080

Sub-Sub-Section Heading (Dark Magenta)

 Headline 5

H5. Cardo Regular 24px 400 weight #FFFFFF

Background Heading for Boxes (Resolution Blue or manually forced white text for dark backgrounds)

H6 Captions
H6. Lato 16.5px 300 weight #1c1d1e
Captions, footers, information bar


  • font-family: Lato
  • color: #1C1D1E
  • font-size: 16.5px
  • font-weight: 400
  • font-style: normal

Paragraph justified left with one space between paragraphs.

Body hyperlinks in Resolution Blue (#001C7D) and Lapis Lazuli (#045EA7) as the hover color.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vel tempor felis. Cras varius vulputate ultrices. Ut vitae sample text in italics hendrerit auctor eget vitae nisi. Nunc congue, odio in laoreet ullamcorper, ipsum magna imperdiet erat, volutpat id quam. 

Sample text that is hyperlinked tristique senectus et netus et sample text in bold. Praesent vestibulum nulla nulla, ut tempus ligula consequat ac. Duis ullamcorper quam felis, sollicitudin elementum eros maximus a. Etiam eget efficitur velit, dictum ipsum. Donec quam dolor, eleifend non ultricies, sollicitudin vitae arcu.

6. Boxes

Subsection headline H3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sed egestas risus. Aliquam ac vehicula justo, vitae vulputate purus. Etiam sagittis egestas volutpat. Etiam volutpat est at mi tincidunt adipiscing elit, et congue lectus gravida. Ut quam dui, purus malesuada a malesuada ut, faucibus viverra.
Subsection headline 30px
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sed egestas risus. Aliquam ac vehicula justo, vitae vulputate purus. Etiam sagittis egestas volutpat. Etiam volutpat est at mi tincidunt adipiscing elit, et congue lectus gravida. Ut quam dui, purus malesuada a malesuada ut, faucibus viverra.
Subsection headline 30px
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sed egestas risus. Aliquam ac vehicula justo, vitae vulputate purus. Etiam sagittis egestas volutpat. Etiam volutpat est at mi tincidunt adipiscing elit, et congue lectus gravida. Ut quam dui, purus malesuada a malesuada ut, faucibus viverra.

7. Profiles


Dalia Mogahed

Director of Research
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding

Co-Author, Who Speaks for Islam?
What a Billion Muslims Really Think

Washington, D.C., USA


Meira Neggaz

Executive Director
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding

Washington, D.C., USA

Dr. W. Y. Alice Chan

Dr. Andrew Henry

Eleesha Tucker

SiouxSanna Ramirez-Cruz